Hemp Seed
HEMP SEED – Nutritional Profile
With 40% of its weight available as edible oil hemp seed is frequently vaunted as the most nutritionally complete food source in the world. A typical 100g portion contains 576 calories, 30g of protein, 11g of carbohydrate and 6g of dietary fibre. It also has a health balance of Omega 6 (28g per 1200g) AND Omega 3 (8g perv100g)
Despite it’s super food label, hemp also has 52g of fat due to its high oil content which means it may only be a suitable foodstuff where weight gain is a desired outcome.
Hemp is also high in vitamins with 4mg of vitamin A per 100g, Thiamine (B1) at 1.4mg, Ribiflavin (B2) at 0.3mg, Pyroxidine (B6) at 0.1mg. vitamin c at 1mg and vitamin e at 9mcg.
It has a complex mineral content which includes sodium (9mg), calcium (74mg) and iron(4.7mg).
HEMP SEED – Health Benefits
Hemp is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which are essential in the diet as they cannot be manufactured by the body. Recent research has shown that best ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty is in the form 3:1 which is almost exactly the ratio present in Hemp. It is particularly important for maintaining a healthy heart. Essential fatty acids are also important antioxidants needed to help protect the skin and to maintain the immune system. They also help reduce the build up of undesirable LDL cholesterol that clogs arteries whilst promoting the uptake of health giving HDL cholesterol that keeps arteries flexible and healthy. The essential fatty acids in hemp seeds are also present in significant quantities in the brain and a diet rich in hemp seeds is expected to see improved brain function, probably experienced as improved memory facility. Current research is also considering how these essential fatty acids may play a central role in the prevention of conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons.
Hemp is easily digestible and contains a readily available supply of amino acids in greater quantities than in milk, eggs or meat. Its proteins contain two out of the three most desirable proteins in significant quantities and it makes a good dietary inclusion for those unable or unwilling to eat gluten , meat or fish products.
The skin is known to benefit when hemp products are used cosmetically as well as in the diet. Through diet, hemp has been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits that are especially relevant to the skin where eczema, psoriasis and dry skin are experienced.
Hemp products are also known to reduce inflammation and improve circulations which are primary ways of avoiding heart disease in later life. Cholesterol levels are will adjust when eating hemp products as part of a diet or as a dietary supplement.
Improved digestion is widely recognised as a benefit of a diet rich in hemp seeds and regular bowel movements, more closely related to eating are often reported when eating hemp in conjunction with high fibre foods.
Blood sugars are more easily controlled when eating hemp product. Unrefined carbohydrates convert into sugars at a much slower rate than refined ones. This minimises the rush of damaging sugar molecules in the blood after eating.
High levels of key plant sterols in Hemp can also be effective in preventing breast, prostate and colon cancers.
HEMP SEED – Product History
The commercially farmed version of hemp is a cannabnoid free version of the plant sold on the streets as cannabis. It is a very flexible crop as it harvests a fibrous stem as well as its rich oily seeds. The fibrous stems are used in many industries for building and manufacturing materials and for making clothing and making some artisan types of paper.